Anthony Thomas DeCarolis - Site Memorial Online

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Anthony DeCarolis
Nascido emUnited States
25 years
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Árvore Genealógica
Left-e....I can't believe its been two years, wow does time fly.  I've been thinking about you alot lately, i really wish you were still around! We had some great times together and those are memories that I'll cherish forever. 
tony i'm really pissed off right now.. as im sure you know, justin passed away. and just thinking about everything im so mad. like i love you and justin so much but how could you two have been so stupid to do drugs? both of you had so much going for you! and something as stupid as drugs ruined everything.. not just for you guys but for everyone who loved you. now theres family and friends who have to try to not think about you guys everyday and be sad about it. i cry almost everyday thinking about you two being gone.. it just sucks so much i wish you guys would've went to rehab or asked for some type of help or would've just done SOMETHING to make it better. it makes me soooooo angry like ugh i wanna break something. i love you and justin so much and i just hate knowing that i'll never be able to see you or speak to you until i die.. its not fair. im still waiting to go over uncle mikes house and have u just come sit down with a corona in ur hand and ur goofy little smile. i miss you so much and when i see you in heaven u better be prepared to get punched cause im still not happy with you :) i love you though lol and i forgive you for being a big dummy.. the good really do die young <33 I LOVE MY NONI SOO MUCH !!
courtney cross

<3 remember wen u first moved in how id but ur hair in pig tails and stuff  and id always hav to go show ur mom across the street. id even but those littel rubber bands in ur hair so u had alot of pony tails in ur hair. and how id put hair jell on ur doornob and ud fell 4 it every time. sorry about that. but id do ur dirty gross toe nails and they would look so prety, the next day wen u came home after work theyd be trashd. and wen u and liz cam to louisana wit dad and ray to pick us up then went swimmin in the hotel pool all nite. well i love and miss u guys! <3

hey noni.. im pretty upset right now.. i was just going thru my drawer that i have about a milllionnn pictures in. and i came across one of us. it made me soo upset.. it was right before i went off for my 5th grade prom. i remmeber it was when you lived with aunt rach and uncle mike.. and i was dressed up in my dress and little heels and my hair and makeup done and i was taking pictures with you guys.. the pictures actually really funny cause uncle mike was behind you giving you bunny ears with some tree branches or something.. and you have the best smile on your face ever. i regret not taking lots of pictures with you.. i miss you big bro. i love you sooo much !!

Hey you,

I have not been on here in awhile.  I wanted to say that I miss your funny faces...

like this one...

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